Cary Sherburne:  Hi, Cary Sherburne and Senior Editor at and I'm here with Rich Garigen who is President of Digital Printing from CPC Solutions in Grand Junction, Colorado.

Rich Garigen:  That's right.

Cary Sherburne:  Welcome.

Rich Garigen:  Thank you.

Cary Sherburne:  Tell us a little bit about your company and I understand you're in a bit of a transition, maybe you could talk a little bit about where you came from and where you're going.

Rich Garigen:  We're traditionally a conventual offset printer for over 60 years, Colorado Printing Company, CPC Solutions is our service side of the business and where we do personalized URLs, digital publications, web-to-print systems, things like that.  And we are making a transition.  We believe by 2011 we'll be officially CPC Solutions but right now we're right in the middle of that and its worked out really well.  People see us differently because we are different and so that was why we decided to make that change in moving forward.

Cary Sherburne:  And what percent of your business now - let's talk about revenues, what percent of your revenues would you say is coming from the digital side today?

Rich Garigen:  Digital, probably about nine to eleven percent right now.

Cary Sherburne:  And what percent of the profits?

Rich Garigen:  Larger extent.  In fact, from a growth standpoint we've grown 18 percent in that area so it's clearly where the growth is even though it's small right now but we want that to be bigger and bigger of course.  But it's everything is going and we're fully committed to it and we've always believed in technology and being on top of it.  So it's exciting for us.

Cary Sherburne:  So it's the more profitable part of the business for you?

Rich Garigen:  Yes it is.  Absolutely, you know, it's more - depending on what you're doing but absolutely it's the more profitable side and just like anything, just need more of it.

Cary Sherburne:  And what sort of drove you to being that transition?

Rich Garigen:  You know, I think part of it really was - well it was the shift in the marketplace of course.  Everything talks about, it was also the quality, you know, with the quality of the press of the HP Indigo press.  We have been a strong Heidelberg shop for years and our clients expect high quality and, you know, maybe five, eight, nine years ago we didn't feel like the quality was there enough that we could sell to our clients.  So that was a big factor and then also more the push into the different services that are being provided, you know, like buy a "print service provider" but like the personalize URLs and really driving that, you know, upwards.  It's not coming - our clients don't quite understand it and so we felt the need to bring it to them.

Cary Sherburne:  And then who do you talk to by title in the client, usually?

Rich Garigen:  You know, it's what everyone has always said which is that, you know, the chief marketing officers, the CEOs, the owners of businesses, and in our name we have a lot of great relationships that we've leveraged and we can continue to do so.  And they know us as Color Printing Company, and that's okay.  They like us and they know what we can do.  But on some of the newer ones they know us as CPC Solutions and that has certainly opened the door for us and we're getting a bigger spend of their business.

You know, we're getting the whole thing.  We're not just a printer at the end, you know, we are - we're doing a lot of things and bringing them ideas and strategies, and marketing work.  I'd like to say too it's very important for us that we don't compete with our current client base and we don't.  We do offer some creative but that's generally only for campaigns, like the personalized URLs and direct mail campaigns, things like that.  It's not to design a logo and it's not to, you know, do some really boutiquee kind of things.

Cary Sherburne:  So you're not competing with the agencies or graphic designers, or even the internal marketing partners?

Rich Garigen:  Exactly.  That's a real big concern for us.  We never have.  We respect those relationships.  We've always respected those and so we don't want to do that.

Cary Sherburne:  And so when you become CPC Solutions you'll just retire the Colorado Printing name?

Rich Garigen:  Yes, scarey enough, you know, we probably - yeah, we will be.  It's a scarey transition but ownership is on board with that and we're all - we're ready to do it and its been fun.

Cary Sherburne:  That's a great story, thanks.

Rich Garigen:  Thank you.