Hi, I'm Jeff Sierra, Vice President of Marketing and Product Development at Budco - The Dialogue Company.  I'm going to talk a little bit about one of the case studies that we have that's in the PODI Library and this was about a self-promotion activity that our organization entered into.

We were trying to attract new business as well as communicate some of our capabilities to our existing customers.  So what we did is we created a half-day seminar that we called the Budco Digital School That Rocks and around that we created a full direct marketing campaign and we used our digital variable print and direct marketing capabilities to implement and manage the campaign and start out with some personalized direct mail that went out to prospects and clients inviting them to this half-day seminar.

That also had a PURL contained in it -- a personalized URL -- where recipients could go and actually register and sign up and actually give us a little bit of information about themselves.  We then not only took the registration data but we took that personal information and we used that to create relevantly personalized content that we provided to them at the session itself.  It was printed throughout all the materials.

So it was ability to, again, showcase the power of personalization and the fact that Budco had the capability to do that.  So all in all we had a I think a 24 percent response, which was very positive for us.  We had a great group.  We had a keynote speaker from outside of Budco and supplemented that with some of our internal experts and we gave a fun and informative half-day seminar about the value of direct marketing and digital print and got a lot of great feedback and some new leads and some new customers out of the process.