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Labels and Packaging: Predicting and Achieving Consistent Color Across Disparate Press Platforms and Media

Color management standards and process controls have helped raise the bar on defining and meeting client expectations in color reproduction. However, as we see more cross-platform and cross-media packaging and marketing campaigns, how can we accurately predict, prepare, and communicate expected results?


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About David Zwang

David Zwang travels around the globe helping companies increase their productivity, margins and market reach. He specializes in production optimization, strategic business planning, market analysis, and related services to companies in the vertical media communications market. Clients have included printers, manufacturers, retailers, publishers, premedia and US Government agencies. He can be reached at [email protected].


By Gordon Pritchard on Aug 14, 2018

Would love to know the profile of the 80 people that were tested (age, sex, graphic arts involvement (buyers, sellers, students or?)