It doesn't have to cost lots of money to implement green initiatives!'s Sarah Fister Gale, offered eight ways to go green inexpensively. Here are the highlights, but you don't want to miss the entire article:
  • Get a Baseline: You can't reduce what you don't measure.
  • Dumpster Dive: If you want people to think about the waste they produce every day, show it to them.
  • Build a Garbage Web: See the waste in "real time."
  • Slow Your Flow: Think light bulbs and water faucets.
  • Drive Change: Examine transportation costs to/from your operation, including staff commutes.
  • Turn Waste into Profit: Look beyond recycling.
  • Get Everyone Involved: Employee involvement is critical to making any long-term green initiative a success.
  • Don't Forget Your Customers: Encourage and reward customers for participating in environmental programs.
Creativity makes cutting waste and improving efficiency work; have at it!