TheGeorgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institutehelps companies, entrepreneurs, economic developers and communities improve their competitiveness through the application of science, technology and innovation. Starting October 22, the Institute is offering a series of live workshops and webinars on topics that may be of interest to you. To register or learn more, contact Georgia Tech EII.
Lean and Green
Lean manufacturing is a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste - traditionally related to time, motion, and inventory. Recently, EPA has teamed up with lean service providers at the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership to promote the co-benefits of combining environmental thinking into lean practices through the Green Suppliers Network (GSN). Georgia Tech and P2AD have teamed up to conduct a series of GSN reviews at manufacturing facilities in Georgia. Latest Environmental Compliance IssuesThe 2006 rules for a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan for the storage of oil require that the plan be modified and implemented by July 1, 2009. In addition, there were proposed rules published in 2007. The program will discuss both sets of rules. Additionally, the program will discuss the resubmission of the Risk Management Plans (RMP) in 2009 and a brief update on the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard (CFATS).While this particular session discusses oil storage, some of the same issues may apply to the storage of inks and solvents.