There was a time - back in the '70s - when the
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) was considered to be an activist group on the lunatic fringe. We've all grown a lot since then!
Since the late '8os, the group has been working with national and multi-national companies to make breakthroughs in addressing environmental challenges.
You can get a copy of their latest report from one of my favorite websites -
Green Biz - by
clicking here>>
Contents include:
- Company-wide innovations
Real estate
Operations & manufacturing
Fleet management
Information technology
Human resources
- Innovations by industry
Food & agriculture
Banking & finance
- Environmental Defense Fund innovations
The areas that might be of interest first are fleet management and packaging, but a look at both the company-wide innovations AND the innovations by industry. Your customers and prospects - or companies like them - may be applying some of the innovations listed here.
Consider this an opportunity to add more "business intelligence" about your customer base to help you define your products and services to deliver the solutions they need.