Let's face it; printing is a high-tech industry and the IT (Information Technology) function in print service operations is getting larger and stronger all the time. Green IT Action PlanWhile we're all busy looking at better paper and ink choices and considering processless or chemistry-free plates over traditional printing plates, we need to keep an eye on the IT function. To the left you will see the specific path that a Green IT Action Plan follows. There you will find two phrases that may not be familiar: "Green IT Victory Projects" and "Green IT Leadership Projects." According to Info-Tech Research Group, Green IT projects can fall into distinct categories:
  • Victory projects: Projects that can be implemented with little assistance from outside the IT function and may not require approval beyond senior IT management. Victory projects typically have smaller up-front investments and tangible, understandable results. When marketed correctly, victory projects can win the rest of the business over on green initiatives led by IT.
  • Leadership projects: Projects that usually require collaboration with departments outside IT. While offering substantial cost savings and environmental benefits, leadership projects can bring the company to a front runner position in terms of environmental efforts. The business can leverage this in external marketing to end customers, who increasingly care about their business partners’ ecological practices.
To see examples of both types of projects and learn how to implement a Green IT Action Plan, get your copy of the plan or register for a Going Green podcast here>>.