WhatTheyThink publishes written and video interviews with executives from the Graphic Arts Industry daily,
WhatTheyThink publishes written and video interviews with executives from the Graphic Arts Industry daily, and we’ve posted a number from Xerox. A tip of the hat to the
Ecopreneurist for scooping us on this
interview with Patty Calkins, VP of Environment, Health, and Safety at Xerox.
Jeff McIntire-Strasburg, editor/author of
Ecopreneurist, chatted with Patty. Here’s a bit from his post:
Specifically, I gave her a scenario: I’m the owner of a green start-up, and want to implement as many sustainable practices as possible while watching costs. How do I balance these priorities in terms of printing, paper use, and the energy costs that come with them? It turns out (fortuitously … I didn’t know this up front) that Xerox was planning to release a series of tips on this topic this week in anticipation of Earth Day.
He goes on to outline her tips for a “greener” office. You can even get a poster with those tips from Xerox.
While you’re at it,
download Xerox’s guide for “greening up” your print shop here. Outlined are 10 general steps you can take to make your operation more environmentally friendly. How "Green" is
your print shop?