2015: The Current State of the Industrial Printing Community
SGIA’s Dan Marx shares some of his organization’s most recent research on industrial printing. What technologies are companies in the industrial printing space using? What products and technologies have they been investing in? Where do they see the most (and least) growth opportunities? What is their business outlook?
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Dan Marx is the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association's Vice President-Markets & Technologies. With SGIA, he works to raise awareness of the specialty graphics industry, and helps printers and their customers identify and adopt new technologies and access lucrative market areas. In his more than 20 years at SGIA, he has authored numerous articles for industry publications worldwide, presented at a variety of industry events, and served as an enthusiastic ambassador for innovative imaging technologies. He can be reached at [email protected].
How does this 12.5% growth compare with growth in Europe? Undoubtedly most of growth in Europe is coming from Digital and Inkjet growth in Europe, particularly Italy, UK, Belgium and Germany. Our figures suggest a more robust level of growth.
By Frazer Chesterman on Aug 17, 2015
How does this 12.5% growth compare with growth in Europe? Undoubtedly most of growth in Europe is coming from Digital and Inkjet growth in Europe, particularly Italy, UK, Belgium and Germany. Our figures suggest a more robust level of growth.
Frazer Chesterman