I just finished reading Dr. Joe Webb and Richard Romano's latest book This Point Forward. I was lucky (or unlucky) enough to have received 400 copies of it, but more on that later.
Their last effort, Disrupting the Future, was met with critical acclaim from the industry as a "manifesto for a new generation of printers". It took a contrarian look at the printing industry and outlined ways companies could succeed given the new market realities.
Forward follows in Disrupting's footsteps, but makes a radical shift in not only giving us new rules, but going further to tell us that the new rules can't help printers transitioning an existing business. Indeed, they need to re-think their businesses from the ground up while using their existing businesses to fund the effort. With Webb and Romano we get a unique combination of raw data, humor, and actionable advice that will lead both printers and printing industry suppliers in a new direction that embraces the changes happening in marketing communications, consumer behavior, and cultural technological shifts positioning them for success.
The bottom line is you will love this book. It's packed with data, but still reads like a conversation with a really smart colleague. It's both entertaining and enlightening. It's also a really easy read and something you can keep handy and refer back to often. To truly follow their advice, it will almost be essential that you remind yourself of the points made on how to move forward from a future that has already been distrupted and what to do from This Point Forward.
I highly recommend getting a copy or three. They will be available for the first time at Graph Expo and the version you will see at the show is a limited edition full color edition.
So...about those 400 copies. Knowing I traditionally drive up from Ohio to Chicago for trade shows, we had 7 boxes of books shipped to me. These are the special full color edition sponsored by Vertiv. They are going to be available at the annual Dr. Joe Webb Economic Outlook Breakfast event at the show, which is also sponsored by Veritiv. If you are at the breakfast, you are guaranteed to receive a copy. You'll also have an opportunity to talk to Joe and have the book signed in Vertiv's booth later.
Signed copies will also be made available at the show via Kodak, whose Prosper 6000 and Nexpress presses printed the books.
One thing I can add to the discussion about the nature of print is: It's heavy! I guess physically and metaphorically in this case.
We hope you will join us for the breakfast. You can get more information and register here.
I really look forward to seeing all my industry friends and meeting new ones. Chicago is my favorite big city and the GASC events are my favorite industry get togethers. See you there!
More About WhatTheyThink at Graph Expo
Video Studio
We'll have a video studio set up in Room S504a, capturing great insights from industry thought leaders. The schedule is packed, but we welcome you to stop by and say hi at least, if not schedule a video time or squeeze into an already booked schedule. We will also have cold water and coffee on hand and a quiet place to get away from the hectic show environment for a minute. To get to us, just go by the show entrance and up two sets of escalators, or use the escalators on the left side of the show floor. We hope to see you!
Dr. Joe Economic Outlook Breakfast - Sponsored by Veritiv
We are into our second decade doing this very popular event. 11 years now! Wow. It is usually packed or standing room only, so we suggest getting there early. This year you'll also get a free copy of the new book This Point Forward thanks to the generous sponsorship of Vertiv - who is also sponsoring the breakfast event this year.
Book Signings
There will be two book signings of This Point Forward. Dr. Joe Webb and Richard Romano will be on hand to sign your copy at two different signing events.
10:30am - 12:00pm Veritiv booth #1272
This is immediately following the Economic Outlook Breakfast
1:00pm - 3:00pm Kodak booth
The Kodak version includes a letter from CEO Jeff Clarke.
By Les Csonge on Sep 30, 2014
Wondering if there is (will be) a Digital version for my iPad ? ;-)
By Eric Vessels on Sep 30, 2014
Yes, there will be. Look for the digital download page soon!