The skeptics have all but writen us off
The pundits call us a sunset industry
Misguided marketers think electronic substitution replaces print
But print will prevail
Yes, some print has become electronic
And some more print may become electronic
But you cannot replace all print
An e-greeting is not the same as a beautiful card held in your hand, today and decades from now
Digital photos look great on a screen but your grandkids will never see them in the future unless they are printed
Yes, Virginia, there will be print forever
There will be a printing industry forever
We will still have packaging
We will still have real books that record our memories
We will still have direct mail
We will still have posters
We will still have promotional material
We will still have many products that cannot be reduced to zeros and ones
Print cannot die, Virginia
It can only become better
When you want to impress
you will use print
Print alone
Or, print and electronic communication
Print is special
It activates multiple senses
It is 3-dimensional and tactile
It says to the receiver
that the sender cares
It makes communication glorious
The use of print is wrongly considered un-green
Yet, print uses little energy and pollutes less than electronic methods
Printers have been great stewards of our environment
Yes, Virginia, print is special
The naysayers may have their day
But print will have many days
Now and far into the future
Your life will be enriched by print
And by the people who make print
The printing industry
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