You may remember my post about the video Warren Werbitt did for his company Pazazz printing. We thought it was pretty good and so did some readers. Despite the copycat controversy with the comedy troupe, the video has been a great success for them. So much so that they've been inducted into the respected marketing website MarketingSherpa's Viral Hall of Fame for 2008.

Here is what MarketingSherpa had to say about the video:

MarketingSherpa Summary: Printing's Alive
Pazazz's edgy video shows that viral success is possible without breaking the bank. Pazazz wanted to convey its love for printing by making people laugh, and this 3-1/2-minute video does just that on a shoestring budget. Seeding consisted of an email to Pazazz's house list, a YouTube video, links on Facebook and LinkedIn and press releases to industry publications. The video has received more than 139,000 views and more than 20 requests for a high-resolution copy to show at conferences and corporate events, plus a speaking gig for the CEO at a major conference.

When I saw the Pazazz email touting this great achievement, I hoped we might have contributed to this in some way. Sure enough, The Print CEO Blog is listed as having generated buzz for the clip on the MarketingSherpa page talking about it. Good stuff. Here's the clip again (great excuse to post it again):