This is the first of my posts that will continue through to the end of drupa. I will be writing my blog entrants on a continuous basis while at drupa and hopefully this will be the first place to see the key announcements made there. It may also carry any interesting gossip that I hear about while at drupa. In the next two weeks before drupa I will be writing the occasional entry before the event starts at the end of May.

The build up to drupa is continuing and today I have the privilege of presenting at a wonderful location in Zagreb, Croatia. In fact I am writing this while I await my opportunity to speak. The wonders of WiFi. I am here together with Frank Romano who is on his pre-drupa European tour. We are joined by Kurt Wolf, the leading German language journalist. We are speaking in the wonderful National Library building to a group of around 150 students studying printing and design applications at the university here in Zagreb. Last night the three of us also spoke to a distinguished group of leading printers and academics in one of Zagreb's leading art galleries. This is somewhat higher class than the three of us are used to. We had the delights of each presentation being preceded by wonderful piano concertos from a leading lady concert pianist. We were also surrounded by famous pictures from Rembrant, Holbein and other artists.

The three of us are talking about the status of the industry and what to expect at drupa. Frank Romano is taking the opportunity of talking about the future of the industry for the students that are studying here to enter the market. What is also very interesting is looking at some really impressive research projects that are in progress at the university here. We have all been amazed at the development of new security printing processes where infrared viewable security images being printed using conventional CMYK inks and toners.

The message from this meeting is that the students in Croatia are showing that the future entrants to our market are likely to have a key impact in the development of the market. Students everywhere are the key to the future and I look forward to hearing more of developments coming out of the universities and colleges that concentrate on the print, media and creative markets.