According to PIA/GATF imPrint the legislatures in Vermont, Hawaii, Maryland and Washington have adjourned for the year without considering legislation on restricting direct mail.
Mail Moves America keeps a list of State Do Not Mail Registry Bills and their current status.
By Joanne Rock on May 12, 2008
Potentially more frightening than state-by-state Do Not Mail bills is seeing Congressional action on this subject. PIA recently wrote about anti-mail advocates who are targeting Congress:
PIA ImPrints May 8, 2008
Restrictions on Direct Mail: New Attack on Direct Mail
Those opposed to direct mail have long considered it their goal to have "do not mail" legislation introduced on the federal level. Anti-mail advocates are launching a new communications effort directed at Members of Congress. Their plan is to send boxes of direct mail to Capitol Hill offices in order to prompt a legislator to introduce federal legislation restricting direct mail. A web address has been registered,, but is currently password protected. The campaign is set to begin on Monday so the website may go live at that time. An effective way to counter this campaign is to meet face-to-face with your Representative and Senators. PIA will be conducting briefings and direct lobbying during the 2008 Legislative Conference, June 17-18, in Washington, DC. If you can't make the conference you can still make an impact. If you would like assistance in inviting your Member of Congress to tour your plant or setting up a meeting in their district office, please contact Andrew Wimer, Manager of Communications and Grassroots Advocacy, [email protected] or (202) 730-7974.