The 1to1 Media blog has a short case study on a unique direct marketing campaign from a small college in northeast Pennsylvania:

The small school in northeast Pennsylvania wanted to attract local incoming freshmen who typically had the credentials to attend college far away from home. Their marketing team decided to focus on a small number of students to personally bombard with advertising. Not brochures in the mail, calls to their house, or personal websites like a lot of colleges do; Wilkes bought billboard space, radio spots, and TV commercials to say things like "Nicole Pollock: Our goal at Wilkes University is to be as much a mentor as your mother has been. (Now, if we could only make her ravioli.)"

The blog post notes that the college was able to convince a number of the targeted students to apply to Wilkes.

This is the first time I have heard of personalized billboards being employed in direct marketing campaigns except for scenes in the 2002 movie Minority Report.

What unique tactics have you used to break out of the generic “Dear Firstname Lastname” mold? What do you see as the hot new applications in personalized communications?