A new blog highlighting the success of print has been launched by Content Print Solutions of Belgian. "Being in the heart of the digital printing industry, we have the feeling that 'print buyers' nor most of the print providers really know the possibilities of digital printing." Pieter Ardinois, CEO of Content Print Solutions, Print Buyers he said, "have to be eager to learn by example, because it's not a profession you can learn at school. We hope to collect succesfull print stories and examples from both providers and buyers, in order to be a usefull resource for those parties."
Visit the blog at www.iheartprint.com
By Gus on Nov 18, 2007
As defined by our most talented gurus, digital printing is amazing in terms of the oportunities of creating out-of-the-box.
There's no learning book that'll teach you to think out-of-the-box. It's probably one of the most challenging moments in the history of printing.
By Pieter Ardinois on Nov 29, 2007
Thanks Adam for mentionning I Heart Print at this blog. We hope to share innovative, fun and resourceful posts. Gus, feel free to submit your own story at our blog.