Today is blog action day - bloggers around the web are uniting to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment.
Coverage of environmental issues is not new to the PrintCEO blog and I invite you to check out the Environment category for all the blog posts.
The folks at Four51 have the posted recorded audio up from their Thought Leadership session with Don Carli. If you're looking for ways to embrace sustainability in your operations, a good place to start is by reading and listening to what Carli has to say on the subject.
Peter Renton, founder and chief blogger at Lightning Labels has published some tips on reducing the environmental impact of your labels on the Lightning Labels blog.
And to borrow from Don Carli:
Consider the environment before printing, storing, forwarding or responding to this blog post. Neither the molecules nor the electrons involved are free. they have effects on living things and the Planet... including you and those you may hold dear.
By Peter Renton on Oct 16, 2007
Adam, Thanks for the mention. All of us in the printing industry need to embrace sustainability if we are to thrive in this century. Long gone are the days when your customers didn't care about how you operate your business. Today, customers are more educated and more involved in purchasing decisions and they will go elsewhere if they don't like your business practices. Not only that, but running a print business in a sustainable way is just the right thing to do.
By Laura Monn on Oct 16, 2007
Adam, thanks for the shout out. We were thrilled to work with Don Carli--he's an excellent resource for anyone looking to tackle this issue.
Peter, my sentiments exactly. Sustainability is not the value proposition du jour, it's the real deal and it's here to stay. Customers are going to ask harder and harder questions and the print industry needs to be ready to act.
By Alan Roberts on Oct 17, 2007
As Printers and in our case a publisher, we need to be environmentally responsible both in our manufacturing practices and also how we run our companies and the influence our employees can affect both in their work lives and in their personal lives. At Patient News Publishing we have taken the following actions: We are 100% FSC Certified. All of our print products that are sold and used internally are on FSC approved papers. We actively recycle all of our manufacturing waste including paper, plates, chemicals, plastic and even return skids to our suppliers. We have an active Environmental Team which encourages reduce, reuse and recycle which includes our own composting plot on our property. All of our lighting has been changed to reduce energy consumption. All of our garbage separated and recycled and the team even monitors the garbage leaving the building We are actively looking at alternative sources for energy ie wind & solar if economically feasible