Forget the mouse, forget the computer - it's just you and the screen - an 8 foot by 3 foot screen. I fell in love with the new iPhone - and I'd love to have one - BUT I'd really like a wall-size touch screen like the one at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Take a look at what scientist Jeff Han and his team have done.
A touch screen like this would make you feel like part of the design, not just the design process. Imagine moving your fingers, hands, arms, elbows... whatever... to drag, drop, crop, and resize images! Graphic designers unite!
Go to Fast Company to read about the project and see the video of a "multi" touch-driven computer screen that takes the iPhone touch screen to an entirely new level! (The video link is to the right of the FC article.) And read more at MIT Technology Review. Great stuff... talk about really getting into your work!
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you - you have to sit through a really stupid promotional video before the "real" one comes on... be patient!