Press release from the issuing company
Recently, Phil Riebel of Two Sides presented a webinar on behalf of Ricoh-USA and the In-Plant Printing & Mailing Association (IPMA) to debunk the myths surrounding the environmental impacts of paper and print. View the recorded webinar to learn the facts surrounding this topic, research on the environmental footprint of print and paper, as well as the numerous benefits of sustainable forest management and recycling. You will come away with tools to help explain the numerous environmental and social benefits of print and paper.
Many companies are forgoing traditional print and paper promotions in favor of an all-digital approach due to a perceived idea that it is more sustainable. But what these companies (and their customers) don’t know is that many of the perceived beliefs around the paper industry’s environmental impacts are myths, not facts. Not only can print and paper be a sustainable choice, but research also shows that an integrated combination of digital and print efforts can bring about the best ROI. By “going paperless” with their marketing efforts, companies may be losing out on the effective pairing of print, direct mail and digital marketing.
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