Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) has announced the availability of its Supertrap trapping solution for the Apple Mac OS X platform. A demo of the latest Version 3.0 can now be downloaded free of charge for updating the previous version and also supports OS X. Supertrap is the world’s first trapping solution to perform trapping on native PDF documents without converting them into an intermediate format.
Supertrap won the GATF’s InterTech Award 2001, and Version 3.0 of this award-winning software has been available on the market since the start of the year. Its extensive range of new functions is now also available for the Mac OS X platform.
Supertrap is a powerful production tool for Adobe Acrobat which can perform interactive, object-oriented trapping in accordance with user-defined rules. The plug-in offers tremendous speed and supports interactive control and editing functions. The program’s support for Acrobat 5 offers users new possibilities and ensures greater convenience of operation. It means that Acrobat 5’s batch processing function can be used to boost productivity. The trapping is performed directly in the PDF, thus relieving the RIP.
To operate the trapping solution under Mac OS X, current Supertrap users must first download the combined demo/update version and enter their existing keycode after installation. This unlocks the software, making it usable. If the keycode is not entered, the download can still be used as a fully functional demo version. The only function not available in the demo version is the ability to output individual pages mirrored or rotated in any direction. The jobs are also marked with a large X. The free download is available from:
You can find more information on Heidelberg and its solutions from www.heidelberg.com.