Press release from the issuing company
SGP elects new board members for 2019
Sayville, N.Y. – The Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP), the leading authority in sustainable printing certifications for print manufacturers, has elected Paul Glynn, Manager of Materials Digital Technologies R&D of DesignTex as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
"I look forward to leading SGP in 2019 as we are firmly established with 11 years of certifying printing facilities sustainability practices," said Paul Glynn, chair of SGP and manager of operations & services, Designtex. "With the momentum from the last year with our new SGP Impact Tracker, the SGP Foundation and merging with TLMI`s L.I.F.E. certification, we are poised to lead sustainability not only for the printing industry as a model for other industries."
In addition, SGP elected the following to serve on the Board of Directors:
Current SGP Chair, Jodi Sawyer congratulates Paul and the newly elected board members. "I look forward to working with Paul who will do an excellent job leading SGP's drive toward a fully sustainable future for the print industry together with the board," said Sawyer.
Paul is joined by the 2019 SGP executive committee:
"While each print facility is unique, SGP certification helps each printer achieve a positive environmental impact," said Glynn. "My goal is that SGP certification continues to gain recognition with brands and organizations as the de facto standard in sustainability for the printing industry." SGP certification criteria is recognized by the State of New York and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources` Green Tier program for green procurement.
Print facilities interested in eliminating waste, reducing energy consumption, transitioning to sustainable materials, and winning new business from organizations that require sustainable printing practices from their suppliers should visit to learn more about becoming SGP certified in 2019.
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