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AF&PA Statement on Trilateral Trade Agreement Between the United States, Mexico and Canada

Press release from the issuing company

Washington – American Forest & Paper Association President and CEO Donna Harman issued the following statement regarding a trilateral trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada:

“AF&PA supports a modernized trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada and is encouraged that negotiations have produced a positive result. We are one of the largest manufacturing sectors in America where $9.6 billion (45 percent) of our pulp and paper products are exported to our neighbors on our northern and southern borders supporting 52,000 direct and many more indirect American jobs. While we are disappointed that investor-state dispute settlement was not retained in its entirety for all manufacturers, we will be reviewing the accord’s details to ensure that the agreement preserves and improves the market access that has benefitted our industry and its workers. We look forward to working with Congress in the coming weeks.”