Recent Study: CTP Not Just For Mega-Printers Anymore
Press release from the issuing company
According to TrendWatch, CTP is moving into mid-size sheetfed printers -- 18% plan to buy metal computer-to-plate systems, up from 12% last year. Although it's uncertain whether they may later have cause to bang their heads (as it were), 21% plan to invest in a PDF workflow; up from 19% in Fall 1999.
Why should you care?... Now that everybody and their uncle (creative professionals, publishers and, yes, even printers) are adopting and implementing digital workflows. It becomes clear (not just a vision anymore) that after an inauspicious, perhaps premature debut, CTP now works -- and not just for megalithic publication printers.
All the pieces are now in place to make CTP workflows a thing of the present, rather than some far-off future. If this technology is your game, it's time to get your digital team suited up and onto the field.