Hainburg, Germany/ Minneapolis/MN, (September 9, 2008) – CGS Publishing Technologies International the global leader of color management solutions, digital proofing solutions and specially-formulated media, is pleased to announce the introduction of ORIS Certified Monitor. This is the newest addition to Certified Suite which includes ORIS Certified Proof and ORIS Certified Press. The Certified Suite family of products verifies your proofs, press sheets and now monitors are in compliance with industry color standards such as GRACoL and SWOP.
Trevor Haworth, CEO of CGS commenting on industry standards stated, “Industry standards have been created as a language to communicate color. ORIS Certified Suite allows you to communicate to your staff and your customers that your proofs and press sheets are in compliance with industry standards. We introduced ORIS Certified Monitor to insure the monitors used to view color are in the compliance with the same standards used to for proofing and printing.”
ORIS Certified Monitor is fully integrated with ORIS Color Tuner and supports all recognized industry standards. With Certified Monitor the calibration of all monitors can be standardized. Historical records of compliance to the industry standards employed are maintained which can be used for trend analysis.
One of the key features of the ORIS Certified Suite is the summary label which can be affixed to proof and press sheets. The label clearly communicates how the proof, press sheet and monitor used stacks up against the standards employed.