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Association For Print Technologies’ PRIMIR Research Unit Opens Call for 2019 Study Topics

Press release from the issuing company

Annual Survey Invites Entire Printing Value Chain to Propose Research Topics for Immediate Development, and 2019 Portfolio

Reston, Va. – The Association for Print Technologies (APTech), formerly NPES, has opened the annual survey, by its PRIMIR research unit, for Association members, all printing value chain stakeholders, and allied industry partners to submit the “what keeps me awake at night” topics for which they want answers. PRIMIR will review and categorize all submissions with the final selected topics scheduled either for immediate research and release, or its 2019 portfolio of business intelligence. May 1, 2018 is the deadline to submit research topics for consideration.

After compiling all of the “Call for 2019 Research” hot topics survey submissions, industry stakeholders will be re-engaged to recommend the topics deemed most critical for PRIMIR’s “rapid research” portfolio. These ‘fast-track’ research studies will deliver immediate business takeaways via APTech’s market data “business intelligence” dashboard, which is available to Association members, and also offers limited access for non-member value chain partners who participate in the study topic identification process. Additionally, for the ‘quick-turn’ research topics, white papers, podcasts, webinars and self-guided PowerPoint tools will be integrated throughout PRIMIR’s research portfolio.

Deeper-dive topics chosen for PRIMIR’s 2019 research lineup, which necessitate task force build-out methodology led by expert consultants, will be developed into in-depth reports featuring:

  • executive summaries, highlighting key implications to all respective value chain members—from brand owners to printers to OEM manufacturers and suppliers;
  • essential strategic take-aways and recommendations, combined with more in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis; and, supported by
  • easily digestible infographics and data visualization in diverse technology, applications, and business intel areas for rapid integration into a company’s strategic product development, competitive positioning and territory application.

Further increasing the value of PRIMIR’s timely 2018 research topics and analysis are: enhanced data visualization and actionable orientation; a stable of newly formed or expanded allied organization research partnerships that include: VDMA, PMMI, PEIAC, and NAPIM; plus, the benefit of deeper industry penetration within participating companies.

According to Steve Mattingly, Senior Vice President, Southern Lithoplate, “The research, relationships, and awareness that PRIMIR has afforded me and my company over the past 20 years, has definitely proven invaluable. In this intensely competitive economy and industry we live within, PRIMIR helps ensure that our short- and long-range strategy is cost-effective and on target. It has been said that knowledge, in and of itself, is not powerful but the wise use of that knowledge is so; and, PRIMIR serves as a core critical resource for our decision making.”

Looking ahead to activities that will advance the new 2019 PRIMIR topics are dedicated task group sessions, open to all attendees during the newly rebranded PRIMIR Insights Conference, coming July 18-20, 2018 to the Parc 55 Hilton in San Francisco, CA. Here, participants will have the opportunity to insert their own specific research objectives and market intel needs directly into PRIMIR studies to be launched in the Fall. Besides the “be there to be heard” dimension of the research build-out, the Conference will deliver breaking research and market data presentations, insightful peer exchanges, highly interactive panels, plus up-to-the-minute perspectives by outside thought leaders on a broad range of emerging trends, technologies, and applications.

For further information about PRIMIR’s “Call for 2019 Research” hot topics surveycontact Rekha Ratnam, Senior Director, PRIMIR Research at: [email protected]or phone: 703/264-7231. For complete information about the Association for Print Technologies, its programs, and its member companies, visit: www.PrintTechnologies.org or phone: 703/264-7200.