Denver, Colorado, USA - PrintReleaf has evolved its reforestation standard, which outlines operational, financial, and organizational requirements for PrintReleaf global forestry partners. Discussing the recent update, PrintReleaf Founder and CEO Jordan Darragh commented: "Recently we marked the culmination of a year-long collaboration with the University of Colorado Masters of the Environment Program, resulting in the PrintReleaf Standard, version 2.0. The primary additions include new detailed methodologies for PrintReleaf field audits, including drone photography and videography. The PrintReleaf Standard is an open and public document established by leading print and forestry experts. It outlines the minimum requirements for certification as a PrintReleaf global forestry partner, as well as the verification process to ensure survivability of all newly planted forests. In addition, the PrintReleaf Standard also defines third party audit and verification processes, which are administered by SGS International. The PrintReleaf reforestation standard ensures that the viability and survivability of trees planted by PrintReleaf global forestry partners is accurate and authentic. Version 2.0 of the PrintReleaf reforestation standard is available for review on the PrintReleaf website,"
Associate Professor Joel Hartter, Faculty Director of the University of Colorado Boulder Masters of the Environment Program, commenting on the PrintReleaf collaboration said: "The Masters of the Environment program benefits greatly from participation with companies like PrintReleaf. Our students and faculty appreciate the opportunity to work with companies actively seeking to improve the environment and address environmental sustainability head-on. The PrintReleaf program is particularly useful because the company has a global initiative, using reforestation projects around the world."
The University of Colorado Boulder Masters of the Environment is program that partners with units and disciplines across the Boulder campus as well as external organizations. It is a 17-month graduate degree program designed for professionals seeking an edge in today's competitive marketplace and focusing on leadership, problem solving, and application. Collaborations such as that with PrintReleaf offer students the opportunity to participate directly in the development of real-world environmental initiatives.
PrintReleaf creates a global sustainability standard by certifiably guaranteeing to releaf the paper consumption of PrintReleaf customers. PrintReleaf is the only technology platform that measures customers' paper usage and certifiably reforests that usage on an equivalent basis. The patented PrintReleaf technology not only tracks paper consumption, but also monitors PrintReleaf reforestation partners to ensure fulfillment. Market-leading companies with a passion for the environment and a progressive concern for advancing environmental stewardship, together with their customers, rely on PrintReleaf to provide a nexus of partnerships involving forestry, technology, and business. For more information, please visit