Press release from the issuing company
The DM200 is the First-of-its-Kind Ranking Based on Direct Mail Revenue
Durham, N.C. – According to the United States Postal Service, $57 billion was spent in 2016 on direct mail marketing – including printing and mailing, postage, and related data services. And USPS delivered 81 billion pieces of direct mail to U.S. consumers, representing roughly 53 percent of all mailpieces. The vast majority of these mailpieces are produced by direct mail service providers. For the first time, Bell and Howell has compiled and released the DM200 – a ranking of the top 200 direct mail service providers in the United States.
“We are pleased to introduce the DM200 to the industry,” said Bell and Howell CEO Ramesh L. Ratan. “We intend for it to become an annual fixture, and this year’s results will serve as an essential print-and-mail benchmark for years to come.”
The research was led by Bell and Howell Senior Director Haroon Abbu, Ph.D.
“Printers that provide direct mail services are growing faster than those that do not offer them – at about 8 percent versus 1 percent, respectively,” Abbu said. “Direct mail continues to be a very dynamic space, and it provides numerous opportunities for traditional print providers to expand into a broad range of new mail-related services. We will be watching over the coming years to see which of these companies will prosper and if that can be attributed to expanded direct mail service offerings.”
Bell and Howell compiled the list using publically available information and its own primary research to create the ranking based on estimated revenue from companies’ direct mail operations.
The Top 10 Direct Mail Service Providers from the DM200 are listed below, along with the location of their corporate headquarters:
Bell and Howell will present each DM200 company with a certificate and will award the Top 10 Direct Mail Service Providers with a trophy.
To view the full DM200 list, including total revenue, direct marketing revenue and other information on each company, visit
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