Half-Day Program at Orange County Convention Center on Sept. 26th Presents Leading Industry G7 Speakers on Topics of Interest to Experts and Novices Alike
Alexandria, Va. - Idealliance will host a free G7 Summit at GRAPH EXPO 2016 on Sept. 26 from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room N320BC of the Orange County Convention Center-North in Orlando, Fla. The program will feature a roster of leading industry technology and process experts on the latest developments in G7 standards and proven production best practices.
“Whether you are currently working with G7 standards, wondering how they can be applied to your processes, or just want a better understanding of what G7 is all about, the G7 summit is the perfect place to learn from G7 experts and network with experienced G7 users,” says Steve Bonoff, Senior Vice President of Programming and Marketing for Idealliance.
G7 is Idealliance’s industry-leading set of specifications for achieving gray balance, and is a driving force for attaining visual similarity across all print processes, substrates, and inks, a key component in effective brand management. The G7 method outlines an easy-to-follow recipe for implementing ISO printing standards and additional metrics, resulting in a simple, but powerful way to match from proof to press.
“Print buyers seek consistency in reproducing printed work to maintain the integrity of their brand identity in all applications,” says Bonoff. “They want suppliers who use global standards throughout the production supply chain and suppliers validated by an independent source as proven quality leaders. G7 certification can help meet these demands, and give G7 qualified companies a competitive edge in today’s challenging global marketplace.”
The G7 Summit is free and conveniently co-located with GRAPH EXPO 2016 so that show attendees can visit show floor exhibits and demonstrations in the morning and then attend the G7 Summit in the afternoon without having to travel to a different venue. The industry’s most experienced technology and process experts will share valuable insights and instruction for both G7 novices and experienced premedia and print production professionals. Program sessions include:
- “G7 News: We Answer Your FAQs” with Don Hutcheson, Founder, HutchColor, and recognized as “the father of G7.”
- “Test Forms: What, Where, When, and Why” with David Hunter, Founder, Pilot Marketing Group.
- “Expanded Gamut: Beta Test Results & Next Steps” with Ron Ellis, Ron Ellis Consulting.
- “Brand Matters: Quantifying the Value of G7” with Sonja Dearden, Associate Print Production Manager, Lindt Chocolate.
- “G7 for Digital Presses” with Lou Prestia, Senior Product Line Manager, EFI.
- “Grand Format: Printing G7 at 4x the Speed of the Fastest Digital” with Mike Ruff, Mike Ruff Consulting.
- “Visualizing G7: Creative Tools and Techniques for Making it Work” with John Thorburn, Senior Analyst, Canon.
- Plus more sessions to be added.
The G7 Summit is free but advance registration is required. Go to
www.idealliance.org/G7Summit16 for more program information or to register, or call (703) 837-1070.
While attending GRAPH EXPO 2016 be sure to visit the Idealliance Theater at Booth #1009 for more free presentations on key industry topics, ranging from performance evaluation and selling skills to developing postal issues and critical business assessments. Go to
www.idealliance.org/graph-expo-2016 for a full schedule.