Press release from the issuing company
The media service provider, Variograph from Elsterwerda in Brandenburg, has equipped itself for the future thanks to its investment in a highly flexible web offset printing system.
Since 1974, the company that can boast over 100 years of tradition has been printing web offset. Today the media service provider for all media elements is producing on several heat set, web offset systems, and covers everything from inserts and brochures for the advertising industry up to high quality catalogues and magazines, in its wide ranging portfolio. As part of this process there are permanent developments of new ideas brought about by working closely together with their customers.
In order to continue this strategic orientation consequently, and to be better prepared for the ever increasing market demands for flexible production and efficiency in the future, autumn of 2016 will see production start on a ROTOMAN Direct Drive from manroland web systems. Wolfgang Stier, managing director owner of Variograph is convinced: “As we have been able to continuously expand our market presence of the past number of years, we decided to open up a new chapter in our companies’ development process. We are going to position ourselves optimally in the extremely competitive printing market with a highly automated and extremely flexible production system.” His son Christian Stier continues: “Short make ready times and the lowest levels of waste possible, increase profitability in the short runs sector whereas the production speeds of 65,000 r/h offers the best conditions for long runs.”
This investment strategy fits very well with the close cooperation with the Oberfranken media group, which is coordinated there by Mr Dirk Seidler.
The ROTOMAN DirectDrive for Variograph distinguishes itself (just to mention one factor) by its configuration with 5 printing units. This means the system is equipped both for fully automated version and signature changes through the DynaChange function as well as for finishing processes like coating or special colour printing. These functions are supported by the DynaChange technology of the printing cylinders which can be driven apart enabling paper webs to be guided through printing units which are not in production at that moment, without contact. On top of that, the system is also equipped with the manroland web systems Inline Control Systems for cut-off register, ink register and ink density control. These automated functions guarantee consistent high print quality, lowest levels of waste and ease of operation for the machine personnel.
The ROTOMAN Direct Drive for Variograph is actually the fifth 16 page system which will have left the manroland plant in Augsburg in the last 18 months. It will leave Augsburg in summer and be housed in a purpose built production building in Elsterwerda in September 2016, in order to take up production “for more print ideas.”
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