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Color Printing; Small Print Buyers Satisfied, Larger Buyers Much More Satisfied

Press release from the issuing company

Lexington, KY, USA - WhatTheyThink, the leading portal for the printing and graphic arts industry, has just completed a survey of 694 print buyers from around the US. The survey focused on color printing outsourced by these buyers. 87 percent of print buyers said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their color printing. The larger a company's print budget, the more likely they are to be content. Overall: Only 2 percent of these buyers said they were not satisfied with the quality of their color printing. 11 percent of these buyers said they did not outsource color printing, while 51 percent said they were satisfied and 36 percent said they were very satisfied. By Amount Spent: Of buyers spending more than $1 million annually on print services, 47 percent said they were very satisfied and 50 percent said they were satisfied. Of buyers spending $50,000 annually on printing, 28 percent said they were very satisfied and 61 percent said they were satisfied. 21 percent of buyers spending $15,000 annually said they were very satisfied while 58 percent said they were satisfied. Of note, 9 percent of buyers spending $15,000 annually on printing said they were not satisfied with the quality of their color printing. These buyers were four times as likely to be dissatisfied with their color printing. Randy Davidson, President of WhatTheyThink, explained his take. "Print buyers with large budgets get better quality and service. This study mirrors other research we have conducted that show a company's print budget is directly related to their overall satisfaction of buying print - in this case color printing." When asked about the large disparity between large and small buyers, Davidson explained. "It appears that satisfaction may not relate to profitability as much as it does to volume. A buyer who has only a few color print jobs a year should be just as profitable in terms of profit percentages. Large print buyers bring more to the bottom line than just the dollars made on each job." More data about this survey is available at www.whattheythink.com/press.html . WhatTheyThink provides news, interviews and research daily at their web site. The company examines trends about print buyers, printers and suppliers to the industry. For more information, visit www.whattheythink.com