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Public Comment Period for 2016 Proposed SGP Certification Criteria Ends March 14

Press release from the issuing company

SAYVILLE, NY - The Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP), the leading comprehensive sustainability certifier of print facilities, is reminding the public that the deadline to submit comments on the 2016 proposed SGP certification criteria is March 14, 2016.
First launched in August 2008, the SGP certification criteria underwent a review process and was reissued in May 2011. Thereafter, the SGP Board of Directors ruled that the SGP certification criteria be reviewed and recommendations for revisions be made every five years. Revised criteria were proposed by the SGP Technical Committee  in December 2015.
The SGP certification criteria specify the requirements for management and production operations that define a sustainable green printing operation. The revised criteria document retains the core elements of the SGP certification program. The requirement to develop and implement a Sustainability Management System (SMS) as well as incorporate the series of defined best practices has been retained. Language has been strengthened to require the development of written procedures for all elements of the SMS which now includes document control procedures. The Best Practices have been reordered and renamed into better defined categories.
The public comment period opened Dec. 15, 2015 and ends March 14, 2016. Interested parties can submit comments electronically to the SGP Program Office and are encouraged to provide contact information for the SGP Technical Committee to use if further calcification is needed.
Questions and requests for additional information can be sent to the SGP Program Office.