Color the World: New Unit in DuPont Imaging Technologies
Press release from the issuing company
June 14, 2004 -- DuPont Imaging Technologies recently announced the formation of a new global business unit – DuPont Color Communication. The new business will combine the existing technology and revenue-generating capabilities of the business formerly known as Color Proofing, with a number of new business initiatives designed to build upon core color competencies.
The Color Communication business includes strengths in the areas of color management, digital workflow, inkjet components, systems integration, color films, data encryption, color analysis, and knowledge intensity.
New business initiatives are expected to build on the existing printing and packaging brand names such as: DuPont Cromalin, DuPont WaterProof, iCertification and CromaPro. Products and services of DuPont Color Communication are sold globally through a combination of direct and strategic channels.
"We are excited to create this new Color Communication business to further advance our efforts in providing customers with solutions that build their brand integrity and improved productivity through effective color communication," said Barry Granger, vice president and general manager – DuPont Imaging Technologies.
"Through our color science we enable customers to benefit from improved cycle time and productivity, as well as consistent color communication in various market segments and applications," said Paolo Barbieri, global business director – DuPont Color Communication.
The formation of the Color Communication business unit is part of the strategic growth opportunities being developed in the DuPont Electronic & Communication Technologies platform. Electronic & Communication Technologies includes the growth areas of packaging graphics, displays, fuel cells, and electronics fabrication.