Press release from the issuing company
Milan, Italy – A short time ago, in a printing plant far far away, ACM s.r.l, one of the largest printing companies in Italy, joined forces with three of their key suppliers to discuss the benefits of LED UV for the Narrow Web segment and to witness a UV LED ‘lightsaber’ battle to compare two competing LED UV systems. Flint Group Inks supplied ACM with the LED ink that is curable at the “speed-of-light” on their OMET press with AMS LED UV technology and has altered ACM’s destiny.
This was no Jedi mind trick for owner of ACM, Massimo Raffaele, “Everything I was hearing was like music to my ears, and the system offers huge advantages in comparison to traditional UV.” These advantages of AMS LED UV were proved live on ACM’s 7 unit OMET VaryFlex 540 flexo press, which transformed standard UV production to an upgradable and new reality. Press speeds printing gold and silver hyper jumped from 70 meters per minute to over 160 meters per minute. These results are proof positive of increased productivity.
Since AMS LED UV eliminates the primer step and any heat to the press, companies are able to print on a wider variety of substrates at faster speeds without having to worry about mark ups, shrinkage, or wait times. “The Force is Strong in this partnership of Suppliers and ACM. The quality and reliability of AMS installs, customer service, and 24/7 remote support all reassured that AMS LED UV technology is the best in the galaxy,” said AMS’s LED Jedi Master, Paolo Nascimbeni.
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