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Wood, Paper Products Manufacturers Join Clean Power Plan Litigation

Press release from the issuing company

WASHINGTON – American Wood Council (AWC) President and CEO Robert Glowinskiand American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) President and CEO Donna Harmanhave issued the following statements after signing onto a joint petition for review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final Clean Power Plan in the D.C. Circuit Court. 

Robert Glowinski, President and CEO, AWC: 
“EPA has overreached with its Clean Power Plan in how it seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. Despite claims of flexibility, EPA has actually limited the types of renewable energy states can use, which includes our industry’s production and use of biomass energy. AWC joins this litigation in order to ensure continued use of renewable energy and to support states’ ability, as some have already done, to fully recognize biomass energy as a critical component of clean power.”
Donna Harman, President and CEO, AF&PA: 
“Energy is an essential element for paper and wood products manufacturing. We are concerned that this final rule will threaten availability of affordable electricity and reliability of the electricity grid system. AF&PA joins this litigation to protect the global competitiveness of our industry, which is among the top 10 manufacturing employers in 47 states. We hope the court will grant our requested stay while these serious legal challenges are heard.”