ROLAND 700 debuts productivity gains and new in-line processing options at drupa
Press release from the issuing company
Düsseldorf, Germany — MAN Roland’s full-size, 41-inch press, the ROLAND 700, exhibited a long list of productivity enhancements and in-line processing options at drupa, headed by an increased standard top production rate of 16,000 sheets per hour.
A six-color configuration of the ROLAND 700 ran as the production engine of the Packaging and Label Factory in the PrintCity pavilion at drupa. It boasted such advancements as an in-line double coating module, a digital in-line sheeter and an in-line sorter, complemented by a video-driven quality control system called EagleEye.
The digitally driven in-line sheeter reduces raw materials costs for sheetfed printers by enabling them to use web rolls in place of more expensive cut sheets. The device also reduces paper waste because it can dimension sheets precisely to the specifications of each job, eliminating the need for trimming. This new digital version lets the press operator switch the cutting format in a matter of seconds by just introducing the format on the control panel. No tools or gear changes are required.
At the other end of the drupa 700 is MAN Roland’s new Inline Sorter. It streamlines the makeready process and improves quality control during press runs by identifying and diverting waste sheets before they wind up in the delivery pile. That means press crews don’t have to stop the press to eliminate rejects from the product stack.
Working in conjunction with the Inline Sorter is EagleEye. The video-driven inspection systems checks the quality of each sheet on the fly, as it exits the last printing unit and before the coating unit.
To guarantee precision results, the device examines the entire sheet length-wise, utilizing 0.6 x 0.6 mm grid zones. When an anomaly is spotted, EagleEye activates the Inline Sorter to divert the problem sheet.
For printers who need to add cold foil embossing to their printed products there is the InlineFoiler Pridor. It utilizes three ROLAND 700 printing units to apply eye-catching foil effects in a single pass. All necessary steps are handled continuously as the press prints, including gluing, foil transfer and embossing.
A new InlineEmbosser is also available for ROLAND 700s equipped with in-line coating units. The device temporarily attaches embossing dies on the cylinders of the press’ coating module. For deep embossing the die is mounted on the form cylinder to make an impression on the front side of the substrate. For relief embossing, two dies are positioned on the impression cylinder to make an impression on the reverse side of the substrate.
Also at drupa, MAN Roland revealed its new ROLAND 700 Ultima model, which positions coating and drying modules before its printing units to produce a variety of special effects inline.
The first Ultima, consisting of a coating module, two drying modules, eight printing units with a perfecting unit, and a double coating module, has been producing commercial work since March at the Leunisman Company in Hanover, Germany. At 108-feet, the premiere Ultima is the longest full-size sheetfed press in the world.
MAN Roland is offering 30% faster makereadies on its next generation ROLAND 700s, through an optional bundle of advancements called QuickChange. ™ The innovation supercharges the ROLAND 700 from one end to the other, making it easier and faster than ever to transition from one job to the next.
QuickChange also automates more aspects of the makeready process so a printer’s rookie operators can produce like pros. Just as importantly, QuickChange reduces waste dramatically on every run, so printers can make more on every sheet they produce. (See separate release.)
The option consists of seven modules that work in conjunction with each other:
• QuickChange™ Job
• QuickChange™ Air
• QuickChange™ Feeder
• QuickChange™ Infeed
• QuickChange™ Color
• QuickChange™ Wash
• QuickChange™ Clamp
Each module streamlines a different aspect of the makeready process to slash an additional 30% from the ROLAND 700’s already quick makereadies.
The ROLAND 700 is available in configurations ranging from 2 to 12 printing units with perfecting, and with or without single or double in-line coating. Additional details can be obtained at or at 1.800.268.4673.