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“Walliser Bote“ is first completely digitally printed newspaper

Press release from the issuing company

The digital finishing solution FoldLine at Mengis Druck AG in Switzerland finishes newspapers at high speed

It finally happened: the world premiere in newspaper printing has got reality. The Swiss daily “Walliser Bote” is printed completely digitally since June 15, 2015. 

Start of Production on June 15, 2015 – The Revolution at the Newspaper Sector

There was a sense of excitement on June 15, 2015 – the important day for the “Walliser Bote“. Besides the technical staff of the workflow partners, the printers and the employees of Mengis Druck AG, the board members, first of all Nicolas Mengis, Managing Director, and Martin Seematter, Director of Mengis Druck AG,  excitedly awaited the starting shot: at 11 pm it was about time – the production of the daily started. 

Thomas Knaier, Project Manager at manroland web systems is very proud: „The realization of this project was a great teamwork. The total integration of the workflow that consist of an HP T400 Color inkjet press, the format and cut-off variable finishing line FoldLine from manroland web systems and the mail-order house technology from Mueller Martini, was a groundbreaking project that also meant a lot of fun for us. The cooperation of all the involved partners with Mengis Druck AG will be kept in our minds for a long time. The schedule was tight but together we could realize it. As promised in the contracts that have been signed in January 2015, we went into production according to plan.”

The “Walliser Bote“ – A Traditional Newspaper Goes Digital Printing
The “Walliser Bote“ delivers the news to the Valais region. The traditional newspaper is published from Monday to Saturday. At the moment, the circulation is between 22,000 and 32,000 copies with approximately 24 pages. For the beginning, the “Walliser Bote” will be produced in tabloid format with postal fold and as a broadsheet product in Berliner format.  

Increased Flexibility and Production Possibilities
The reasons for changing the production technology were lower circulations and a required regionalization. There are economical aspects focused, as the capacity of the new production line shall be utilized with variable print products. As an example, Martin Seematter mentions the production of book blocks, mailings, signatures or print products for personalized advertising. 

The folding technology of the FoldLine offers brand new possibilities and productions. Besides the “Walliser Bote“ and additional newspapers also other printed products shall be produced. „We will produce our own publications and commercial print products for local customers“, says Seematter. „At the moment, we are working on changing our company to a local digital printing house for the future.”