Quad/Graphics has earned not one, but two Badgers, or Best of Category awards, in the Printing Industries of Wisconsin’s (PIW) Fourth Annual Graphics Excellence Awards. We earned a total of six awards in the yearly competition, which “acknowledges and honors superb craftsmanship in the creation, design and production of top quality printed materials” produced in our home state.
Only the most outstanding entry in each category walks away with the Badger. This year, our work on InStyle’s first book, Secrets of Style, took home the Badger for the softcover book category while our production of National Geographic’s special Exploring Space issue won in the four-color magazine category. Exploring Space also won a Best of Division distinction, meaning it beat out entries submitted by like-sized printers.
Rounding out the awards were the Corbis rf003 catalog, which earned a Best of Division award in the four-color product catalog category; the January 2004 issue of Architectural Digest, which took an Award of Excellence in the four-color magazine category; and Food & Wine’s 2004 annual cookbook, An Entire Year of Recipes, which received a Certificate of Merit in the trade books category.
The PIW, the state's trade association for printing and the graphic arts, opens the competition to pieces printed in the state during the previous year. Out-of-state judges then rate the pieces on technical expertise and quality. Design features and overall graphic appeal are considered second. There were a total of 671 entries this year.
This year’s two Badger awards join the Badger we won last year for Royal Robbins’ Outdoor Travel & Clothing magazine inserts. The win was particularly notable because of our turnkey production on the inserts; we produced them from design and photography through custom printing and delivery for binding into special-interest magazines.
Awards are to be formally presented at the 2004 Graphics Excellence Awards Gala held on April 29 in Milwaukee. Badger winners are automatically entered into the upcoming Premier Print Awards, a national print competition sponsored by the Printing Industries of America.
The PIW represents an industry with more than 41,000 employees and $6 billion in annual sales.