PrintCity displays workflow processes using Adobe Creative Suite
Press release from the issuing company
May 11, 2004 -- PrintCity is delighted to announce that Adobe Systems Inc. will provide software for the Creative & Publishing area of PrintCity’s drupa 2004 Integration Centre. The Integration Centre is the networking hub that will manage, steer and monitor the PrintCity “PrintWorks” factories at drupa, and will create the strategic alliance’s daily show magazine, PrintCity Connections.
Adobe product managers will demonstrate Adobe InDesign CS, the award-winning page layout and design application, in PrintCity’s Integration Centre.
Adobe InDesign CS will be linked to the entire PrintCity network via PPI Media’s JDF-based PrintNet production management system, which merges all processes from order entry through to postpress and cost analysis. In addition, other Adobe Creative Suite products, such as Photoshop CS and Illustrator CS, will be used within the Integration Centre, and will be part of PrintCity’s fully integrated JDF workflow.
“We are very pleased to have a company of Adobe’s stature working with us at drupa,” said Rainer Kuhn, Managing Director of PrintCity. “InDesign has attracted a lot of admirers within the publishing industry. We wanted the best possible page layout and design software, and in Adobe InDesign we are sure that we’ve found it.”
PrintCity Connections will be a daily eight-page magazine providing the latest news and pictures from the PrintWorks factories and from PrintCity members’ booths around Hall 6 at the Messe Düsseldorf. New pages will be written and produced each day to tight deadlines. Once pages are laid out using Adobe InDesign, they will be transmitted as an Adobe PDF file through PPI Media’s InLink plug-in to the PrintNet system, where prepress operations will begin and electronic JDF job slips will be generated.
“Adobe InDesign CS will be used to demonstrate JDF in action and will play a key role in the production of the drupa show daily being produced in PrintCity’s Integration Centre,” said James Alexander, director of product management, Publishing Technology & Services at Adobe. “InDesign CS is a key component of Adobe Creative Suite -- our platform for the future of design and publishing -- and will provide a seamless workflow for PrintCity’s network and production management system.”