Press release from the issuing company
CPrint Academy has added quizzes and testing to its collection of online print industry-specific training programs. The first online training site specifically to deal with printing knowledge and customer relations training for workers in the small format offset and digital print shop, CPrint Academy offers courses on such topics as customer service, paper, type, prepress, pricing and other print subjects that are used every day in the print shop. Print owners and supervisors can now monitor an employee’s ongoing training progress or easily test prospective employees on their print knowledge during the pre-employment interview process.
CPrint Academy costs $495 a year per company for an unlimited number of students. According to Tom Crouser, chairman of CPrint International, the new feedback and testing system is the latest innovation in the Academy’s online training system for print workers. “Most of the currently available online employee training is too generic and doesn’t meet the specific needs of a print shop employee. CPrint Academy is built around the topics and issues found daily in a print shop environment. We know having a better trained employee will give a print company a competitive advantage and a more productive employee.”
Quizzes have now been attached to each core module. They allow the student to see what they know prior to attending the class or after. Quizzes may be taken by the student as many times as desired as scores are not recorded. Said Crouser, “Learners can use the quizzes to review the more basic programs and, if they pass, move on to other topics so they are not wasting time.”
Testing is available so students can demonstrate their knowledge level on a specific subject and the results are sent to the owners. Unlike traditional programs, students are not required to attend classes at CPrint Academy, explained Crouser. A participant may take a proficiency test at any time without having viewed a class or taken a quiz. Owners now have a way to quickly test printing industry veterans on their skill level.
“Testing is very important in the pre-employment process,” noted Crouser. “A bad hire can cost a company time and money, especially if the prospect misrepresented his skill level. Owners may sign into their account, open up the test section and allow as many applicants to test as needed all for one low yearly subscription.”
The Academy is also unique in its closed-loop system of testing that keeps the owner or supervisor informed of the workers progress. Workers may be assigned a module of training classes and given a completion time or not. All the owner or supervisor has to do is to monitor the time line and watch their email as test results are returned to them and not the student. This allows the supervisor to see how well the student has done and communicate the results to the student.
Additionally, students at CPrint Academy are delivered a work day learning message each morning via email that reinforces a training objective as well as a link to obtain further information in most messages. The emails provide managers a reason to creative training opportunities each day by discussing the topics and how they relate to the print shop’s operations.
CPrint Academy is open to individual printing companies at a rate of $495 per year for as many students as desired within a company’s location. Short classes, usually 8 to 12 minutes, may be viewed by an employee online 24/7 from work, home or anywhere. These straight to the point sessions are short enough that even the most harried worker can find the time for learning. To sign up or review the type of courses available, visit
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