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eLynxx Solutions to Promote Outreach to Print Buyers Facing Printing Industry Turmoil

Press release from the issuing company

After a decade of mergers and acquisitions, even some of the largest names in the printing industry have become targets for further consolidation. Organizations that rely on direct mail and printed marketing materials have good reason to be concerned. With that in mind, eLynxx Solutions is pleased to promote open discussion of print buyers’ concerns through the sponsorship of webinars and sharing its 40 years of experience in adapting to changes in the print marketplace.

As one of the oldest, continually advancing technologies known to mankind, printing is no stranger to change. However, organizations relying on direct mail and other forms of printed marketing communication have good reason to be concerned about the printing industry as it appears to be not only in a state of change, but a state of turmoil.

The past decade has been an era of mergers, acquisitions and consolidation that cut the printing industry’s ranks in half. Faced with changing customer needs, evolving uses of printing and the need to make the move toward newer, more complex printing technology, many print suppliers sold out, merged or simply choose to exit the business.

Today, even major players in the printing industry are facing the tumult of this changing marketplace. For example, on January 23, the Dayton Business Journal reported that 103 year-old stalwart Standard Register, who acquired managed print outsourcer WorkflowOne in 2013, is “negotiating with its lenders and is exploring all of its options.” In another recent case Printing Impressions Magazine reported, on February 1 that Courier Corp., “one of the most respected book printers in America,” had been pursued by industry giants Quad/Graphics and RR Donnelley throughout January with the RR Donnelley offer being accepted.

While seeing companies go from drivers of consolidation to targets of it should be an eye-opener, it shouldn’t be a reason to cry that the sky is falling. Rather it should be a reason to reevaluate the sourcing and managing of print in light of the changes in the printing industry. That is why eLynxx Solutions has committed itself to not only helping organizations achieve better print buying results with its cloud software, but also to sharing the insight and expertise it has gained over 40 years of successfully adapting to print industry change.

As part of its outreach efforts, eLynxx Solutions is pleased to sponsor the inaugural installment of Print Media Centr’s new panel discussion series, Print Fight Club. The session, titled “Will Managed Print Services Kill Buyers or Save Them?” features panelists representing agency/marketing print buyers, print procurement specialists and managed print services. The discussion, scheduled for Tuesday, March 10 at 1:00 PM EDT, will provide lively engagement on topics and choices facing today’s print buyers. Registration is free at PrintMediaCentr.com.

eLynxx Solutions regularly shares information and insight on planning, sourcing, managing and using print in marketing communications on its blog at eLynxx.com/blog. In addition, eLynxx Solutions is always honored to provide media outlets, blogs and organizations with information, interviews and speakers. Inquiries may be made at 888-876-5432 or [email protected].