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Dr. Joe Webb Discusses March Printing Industry Shipments Data

Press release from the issuing company

Harrisville, RI May 6, 2004 -- Dr. Joe Webb, leading printing industry commentator and forecaster commented on the March 2004 shipments data recently released by the U.S. Department of Commerce. “The decline in shipments of -$205 million compared to March of last year is disheartening. For the first quarter, shipments are down by -2.9% compared to 2003. It is clear that the industry is not participating in the economic upturn, its volume being negatively affected by the Internet, new media, and a shift to event marketing and promotion alternatives, and most of all, the way people use print in combination with these media.” Dr. Webb noted that print advertising in business publications and trade magazines are not rebounding as had been expected, and many catalog retailers have decreased their page counts and mailing frequencies, shifting promotion to direct mail with emphasis on building their e-commerce traffic. He also noted that some printers are doing well in this environment, as indicated by recent trade association surveys. “There are printers who understand the new realities, and these survivors are distancing themselves from their competition.” His report, “Renewing the Print Industry: A Contrarian's Constructive Perspective,” outlines the need to restructure the industry, and explains alternative strategies to do so. “Shipments data underscore the need for a re-examination of the reasons why people use print, and why the industry needs to address these issues.” The report includes his discussion of the significant trends that have shaped the commercial printing industry and brought it to a key decision point about its future of our business. Other topics include: -- the evolving business environment factors that shape the demand for print, why the industry can't stimulate print demand (and why it shouldn't try) – the four alternative strategies based on printers being in the “communications business” -- the “communications logistics” business strategy -- the commodity print strategy -- the right role for print marketing -- issues in sales management -- how sales management policies undermine strategic change -- how competitors shouldn't really matter in this environment ...and other crucial matters. The report is available at Dr. Webb's e-store. The 89 page report is available as PDF download for $250, or in hardcopy for $275. Go to the e-store at http://store.yahoo.com/drjoe/reprin.html The table of contents and first chapter can be downloaded at no charge at http://www.prweb.com/prfiles/2003/12/13/94340/renew_ind_toc&chap1.pdf There is a special offer for an executive planning and resource guide covering more than 30 print markets, called “Dr. Joe’s Almanac.” To buy the almanac and the PDF version of “Renewing the Print Industry” report at the special combination price: http://store.yahoo.com/drjoe/drjoalreprin.html To buy the "Almanac" only: http://store.yahoo.com/drjoe/drjoesalmanac.html More information about the almanac, and a free sample section, are available at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/3/prweb114684.htm