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Digital Print Industry Leaders Promote the Message of UP3i at drupa

Press release from the issuing company

London, April 23rd, 2004 - The UP3i core members, an initiative of leading industry vendors, will further promote UP3i as a standard for the digital printing industry at drupa 2004, focussing on a key message of ‘productivity’. This promotion will be through live demonstrations in partnership with other members and in educational sessions in the ‘JDF Parc’. The principal aim of the UP3i core members has been to define an open standard for end-to-end communication of data between the components of an integrated digital print line, enabling integration with other workflow standards. Presentations in the JDF Parc at drupa will support the message from CIP4 that JDF has broad support amongst vendors and has interoperability between different systems. In addition, the three key messages of the UP3i standard will be Process Control, Protection of Investment and Productivity. Members will demonstrate their latest UP3i compliant systems in live running digital print lines, demonstrating features such as automatic job set-up and synchronisation, document finishing control, error recovery and waste management, through a central point of control. All of these elements work together to increase the productivity of the complete solution and deliver real benefits for the customer.