Prinova Inc., a leader in innovative software, document design, development, and delivery solutions, is pleased to announce that its client, Sun Life Financial, has been ranked #1 in DALBAR's 2008 Defined Contribution Pension Plan Trends and Best Practices, a study that evaluates which company's pension plan statements most effectively meet investors' information needs. Sun Life Financial engaged Prinova to develop "my statement," a design that presents plan members with a clear and concise snapshot of their plan and allows plan sponsors to take advantage of the statement as a valuable communication vehicle.
The production of Sun Life's my statement is supported by Prinova's messagepoint software, a web-based, multi-channel solution which drives personalization and delivers targeted, member-specific calls to action, thus creating a statement that is easy-to-read, informative, and relevant to the recipient. The software also streamlines the messaging workflow allowing business users to easily plan, create, target, approve, deliver, and track campaigns through a single, web-based product-without requiring IT involvement.
"We are honored that Sun Life Financial's my statement has been recognized by this prestigious institution as best in its category," said Nick Romano, president of Prinova. "We've taken great pride in working with Sun Life Financial to develop a statement that truly focuses on what's important to every customer-a statement that is clear, concise, factual, and most importantly, one that encourages engagement."
DALBAR Inc., the nation's leading financial services market research firm believes that a financial institution's statement "is unquestionably the most important communication to customers. In fact, a majority of customers consider the paper statement to be synonymous with the financial service itself." The 2008 Defined Contribution Pension Plan Trends and Best Practices study addresses the highest of standards and provides guidance for the financial services industry in Canada and around the world.