Press release from the issuing company
SANTA ANA, California — Markzware announces ID2Q for QuarkXPress 8 and ID2Q for QuarkXPress 9, both with InDesign CS6 support for Macintosh and Windows platforms. Markzware is a leading software developer and provider of document conversion tools, pre-press software and printing solutions for QuarkXPress®, Adobe® InDesign® for Adobe Creative Suite®, and Microsoft Publisher.
Markzware continues to develop the ID2Q QuarkXPress XTension to import InDesign CS6 files created in Adobe Creative Suite. These latest versions will convert InDesign to QuarkXPress 8 or 9 and convert Japanese language (Rubi, Vertical Text, Font Sets, Tate-Chu-Yoko). ID2Q for QuarkXPress now includes improved font handling and a more user-friendly licensing system.
This data conversion software provides a quick and easy way to open InDesign CS INDD in a new QXP document. The InDesign to QuarkXPress file conversion is enabled by simply selecting 'Convert InDesign Document' from the QuarkXPress utilities menu.
Susan Mark, Coghill Composition Company said, "ID2Q has been and continues to be an absolutely invaluable tool in expediting our workflow. Its capabilities are amazing and I look forward to each new release. I highly recommend it."
With the ID2Q QuarkXPress XTension to import InDesign CS, intricate details of the Adobe Creative Suite InDesign file are instantly converted and re-created within QuarkXPress. Markzware ID2Q data conversion software will convert InDesign to QuarkXPress, including fonts and several other document elements, in order to import InDesign CS into QuarkXPress to quickly open InDesign files created in INDD, and edit that content in QXP.
According to Melanie Fisher, graphic designer, "I used ID2Q to take a 200-page book from InDesign CS4 to QuarkXPress 9. It saved me, not hours, but days worth of time. It worked extremely well and it was worth every penny!"
System Requirements, Pricing and Availability:
You can obtain system requirements and purchasing information through the ID2Q product page.
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