Press release from the issuing company
HOUSTON and GERO CITY, Japan, - CGX Yamagata Japan GK, a joint venture of Consolidated Graphics, Inc. and YAMAGATA Corporation, announced today it has achieved G7 Master Qualified Printer status, distinguishing CGX Yamagata Japan as the first printer in Japan to earn this distinction. The G7 Master Qualified Printer designation highlights a company's commitment to quality, consistency and color management.
CGX Yamagata Japan was certified through IDEAlliance, the nonprofit industry organization that develops, educates, and validates best practices in publishing and information technology.
"Our focus is on providing quality and consistency to our international customers," said Steve Brown, Executive Vice President of International Business Development for Consolidated Graphics. "Acquiring G7 Master Qualified Printer status at locations in the United States, Europe and Asia sends a clear message that we are very serious about taking all the necessary steps to ensure brand control for our customer, through color consistency across presses, facilities and regions. Our goal is to earn client confidence in providing a global color management standard within our distributed manufacturing solutions."
By achieving the status of a G7 Master Qualified Printer, CGX Yamagata Japan can reliably produce high quality printing with a close visual appearance from proof to press, as well as from press to press, in Japan and also across all the locations that Consolidated Graphics serves. As a G7 Master Qualified Printer, the company will go through a yearly requalification audit to ensure it maintains IDEAlliance calibration and process standards.
Including CGX Yamagata Japan, 64 Consolidated Graphics companies hold the G7 Master Qualified Printer Status, giving the company the distinction of maintaining the most G7 qualified printers in the world.
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