(Norwell, MA) March 23, 2004 - CAP Ventures estimates that approximately $143 million in ink jet coders of all types were sold in North America in 2003. Augmented by fluids, parts, and service revenues, the total North American market reached $385 million last year, and the total world market was likely triple that figure. To describe this important market and to predict its future, CAP Ventures announces the launch of a new multi-client study entitled Ink Jet Coding: Overview and Outlook, 2004.
This study will provide a detailed analysis of the ink jet coding market and offer marking technology manufacturers insights for their product development and strategic planning. The study will help subscribers:
• Segment the market by major ink jet technology type
• Estimate current and expected total installed bases
• Estimate current and expected total shipments
• Gauge the impact of the recent recession
• Compare the effects of recovery on different segments
• Understand the differing perceptions of other technologies
• Update insights about thermal ink jet’s role in the market
• Estimate share for their company vs. the market
• Estimate equipment markets by key geographic regions
The study will also describe key market trends such as:
• The growing role of laser coders as an alternate to continuous ink jet (CIJ) devices
• The small but growing presence of TIJ coders in secondary and primary uses
• The growth of Spectra and Xaar heads among piezoelectric head options
• The growth of valvejet in certain primary code uses
• The improving efficiency, and lower fluids use, of CIJ coders
• The relative role of prospects of key analog technologies
While the focus of the study is the North American market, CAP Ventures will also make summary estimates for coding equipment placements and the installed base in other regions (Europe, Rest of World). These estimates will be segmented by major technology type.
“Our study will ultimately provide managers with a way to gauge the role of their own companies in the coding world, and to know about how that world will change in the years ahead,” commented Bob Leahey, a Director at CAP Ventures. “CAP Ventures is the only company conducting a study of this kind and we have found that the outlook for ink jet coders and related annuities is very positive.”
To learn more about the study or to sign up as a client, please contact Stewart MacDonald at (781) 871-9000 or via e-mail at
[email protected]. Early subscriber discounts are available until May 15, 2004.