Denver Printer Experiencing Growth Since Adding A.B.Dick Press
Press release from the issuing company
CHICAGO, IL - Lending support to reports that the economy is recovering, Anaconda Printing in Denver, Colorado grew its business 15 percent in 2003. One of the reasons for the boost was the installation of an A.B.Dick DPM2340 digital platesetter, a 4995A-ICS four-color press, and a 9985 two-tower press. The high quality and extremely productive equipment made a radical difference in the shop’s operation for the second half of 2003, leaving co-owner Paul Johnson impressed and reflective.
"I wish we would have invested in a four-color press three years ago, instead of last summer,” said Johnson, a 12-year industry veteran who owns the company in partnership with Scott Preator. “I did not realize how much we would struggle to produce cost effective, short-run color work. Once we made the investment, we started to make real money.”
Affordability is a key word these days at Anaconda Printing, a fixture in the downtown area for the last 22 years. Acknowledging they looked at “a lot of equipment,” Johnson and his partner realized the cost efficiency and value of going Computer-to-Plate.
“The DPM2340 will let us continue to grow and provide high quality. The 4995A-ICS press gives us a marketplace where we can expand on,” said Johnson, citing sales representative Tom May’s ability and the company’s willingness to resolve problems as other reasons why he chose A.B.Dick. “The 4995A-ICS allows us to do short-run, four color work more affordably and productively. We get a proof in 15 minutes, which means we can schedule four jobs and do the front side in the morning and the backside in the afternoon.”
Doing it better and faster is paying off for both Anaconda and their customers. Johnson said the shop does business in the tri-state area of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, but 80 percent of the work comes from clients representing Information Technology, Oil & Gas and Financial companies in the Denver area, and from government on a regional level. A majority of the work falls in the 11” x 17” short-run (1,000 copies) range. Because of the diversity of the client base, the 4995A-ICS is considered key for future growth. The 9985 press gives him an immediate solution for true two-color work.
“I had an A.B.Dick 9810 press with a T-head that did well for me,” said Johnson, who employs eight people and estimates 40-50 percent of his work comes through the Internet. “The 9985 press gives me better coverage and I can do true two-color work from the separate towers. Bottom line, I bought it because if I can get two or three more jobs per day, I have the potential to increase our revenues six-fold.
“Keeping ahead of the competition and finding things to help us compete with larger commercial printers everyday is the key to our success,” continued Johnson. “The DPM2340 makes sense because that is the direction the industry is going in. It offers tremendous savings because we previously devoted one employee to that job. In turn, we are passing along the savings to our customers. They may want 500 pieces of a four color job, but we can give them 1,000 for virtually the same price and they can’t find that elsewhere.”