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Congressional Directory Available On GPO's Federal Digital System

Press release from the issuing company

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) makes available the authentic, electronic version of the official directory of the U.S. Congress. The Congressional Directory is prepared by GPO under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing (JCP). The information about the 112th Congress contained in the directory includes:

* Short biographies of each member of the Senate and House, listed by state or district.

* Committee memberships, terms of service, administrative assistants and/or secretaries, and room and telephone numbers for Members of Congress.

* Lists officials of the courts, military establishments, and other Federal departments and agencies, including D.C. Government officials, governors of states and territories, foreign diplomats, and members of the press, radio, and television galleries.

GPO authenticated the documents by digital signature. This signature assures the public that the document has not been changed or altered. A digital signature, viewed through the GPO Seal of Authenticity, verifies the document's integrity and authenticity. Printed copies of the Congressional Directory will be available late December/early January.

Link to FDsys: www.fdsys.gov

Direct link:  http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/browse/collection.action?collectionCode=CDIR

FDsys gives the American people a one-stop site to authentic, published Government information.
This system allows GPO to receive information from Federal agencies in all three branches of
Government and create a repository for permanent, public access. FDsys offers state of the art search capabilities for users such as: searching by Congressional Committee, a Member of Congress, keyword and date.