Centerbrook, CT (September 9, 2008) – The award-winning Sauers Group, Inc. in Stone Mountain, Georgia, formerly know as Atlanta Web Printers, Inc., and now encompassing Sauers Graphics, Sauers Communications, Sauers Media, Sauers Real Estate, and the philanthropic Sauers Foundation, announces the expansion of its EPG (Essex Products Group KeyColor printing solutions on its Hantscho, Harris coldset, and Harris heatset presses. Sauers Group's acquisitions include a new KeyColor C integrated color control system for its new Harris heatset press, and the addition of AutoSet presetting to all three presses. AutoSet takes digital data from Sauers Group's new Kodak CTP system to preset all ink keys on each press. The new KeyColor technology was selected to support the company's long-term strategic positioning and to help grow business by saving time and money with improved color control, faster makereadies, and significant waste reduction in the production of magazines, catalogs, tabloids, newspaper inserts, circulars, and other commercial printed products.
"We're an extremely nimble, competitive company that offers a vast array of visual communications products and that focuses on highly-personalized customer service," says 40-year veteran Rick Sauers, president and CEO. "Our new KeyColor printing solutions will enable us to have even greater synergy within our sheetfed and web press capabilities, save time and money, and allow us to serve our diverse customer base better than ever before."
Sauers says he's especially excited about the new presetting capabilities and expects to dramatically speed makereadies and reduce waste. "We've had success in the past with EPG technology saving us time and money, most notably with savings in paper costs, our largest single expense. Now with AutoSet we're bringing high-end pre-press technology into the pressroom and I anticipate coming to color more quickly than ever before and being able to turn around jobs even faster. That will benefit our clients and our companies," he states.
About its decision to maintain its partnership with EPG, Sauers explains that his company takes very seriously its vendor relationships. "Our mission statement includes a 'win-win' in all of our business relationships. EPG's knowledge base, hands-on personalized approach, reliability, and solution mentality continues to be in synch with how we do business," he states.
"It's an exciting time for the Sauers Group and a privilege for EPG to continue to work with such a visionary group of professionals," says Peter Griffin, president, EPG. "We're very pleased to be a part of their continuing success."
EPG is a global supplier of integrated color control systems that are designed for both new manufacture and field retrofit presses to help printers produce high-quality sheetfed and web products and save time and money by speeding makeready and reducing waste. The KeyColor System that the Sauers Group acquired for the new Harris press provides user-friendly, digital, touch screen control of fountain ink keys. With the KeyColor Systems Sauers Group's press operators are able to rapidly adjust ink key settings from a central, streamlined ink desk to accelerate makeready and minimize waste. In addition, now with KeyColor AutoSet presetting software on all three presses, Sauers Group is able to convert digital data from the Kodak CTP system to preset all ink keys for even faster makeready.
All EPG KeyColor Systems incorporate "Smart Fountain" technology that can be rapidly mounted on an existing press. EPG ink keys can control solid or segmented blades as well as sliding blocks. The interface, a single six-wire cable from the ink desk to the fountain, allows for rapid installation. Advanced engineering permits KeyColor Systems to be configured to meet specific requirements. The KeyColor modular design allows for ease of maintenance. Every system includes a modem which allows EPG engineers to dial in to a system to upgrade software and for online support.