Press release from the issuing company
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, – Printing Industries of America is proud to announce a new book from Printing Industries Press, Sustainability Studies in Print: Five Printers Discuss Their Journeys to SGP Certification, compiled by Joe Deemer, editor, Printing Industries of America. These printers share the benefits of sustainable printing from a marketing perspective, the positive changes in their operations, as well as the shifts in each company's overall culture. Learn from their success as well as some of their missteps along the way. Regardless of the motivation for pursuing green printing, Sustainability Studies in Print provides real-world incentives, resources, and advice for getting started on the path to sustainability.
Alcom Printing, Global Packaging, Monroe Litho, SunDanceMarkting Solutions, and T-Formation candidly recount their journeys to SGP certification. Readers will learn how one company saved themselves nearly four million gallons of water and 115,000 kwh of electricity by replacing their chiller, resources the printers leveraged to make the journey easier, pitfalls they faced, ways to get the entire company on board, and what life is like post-SGP certification.
"When I started this project, my primary goal was that printers would read these stories and take away a sense of excitement and enthusiasm," Joe Deemer said. "In addition to learning practical tips and procedures from five great printers who have achieved SGP certification, I hope they also come away inspired. You can get from point A to point B, and the trip is well worth it."
Besides the five case studies, Sustainability Studies in Print contains the SGP criteria, websites of interest, and a glossary of terms. For more information on Sustainability Studies in Print: Five Printers Discuss Their Journeys to SGP Certification, visit the Printing Industries Press online store. Additionally, those who purchase Sustainability Studies in Print by October 31, 2011, can receive 15% off the price by using the code SUSTAIN during checkout.
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